
  • GT-4289E A soybean that works well from the Midwest through the South. GT-4289E is a yield leader in the early group IV maturity. It has the height you need for clay soils and stands strong, even on the loam soils of the south. It offers Frogeye tolerance and Stem Canker resistance.
  • GT-4692ES This bean has a lock on high yields but also has strong consistency. It is best suited for the clay soils due to its height and ruggedness. It supports the yield with good Frogeye and Stem Canker protection along with moderate Metribuzin tolerance and is an excluder for salt.
  • HT-6948 This is the kind of hybrid you hear about that yields like a full-season but dries fast.
  • HT-7462 This hybrid sets a very high yield level on productive soil while having the durability for harsher conditions.
  • HT-7148 An incredible yielding hybrid that responds well to higher management.
  • GT-26 90XFS is a product that offers some durability along with yield. It has a quick stand establishment in various row spacings. It has strong phytophthora, Brown Stem Rot, and cyst nematode resistance. A great looking variety all summer that produces strong results in the fall.
  • GT-48 41XFS Great looking variety that is a top performer. It works well across many soils. The emergence is outstanding and sets the stage for success early and is aided by its phytophthora resistance. The cyst resistance and Stem Canker resistance add to its consistency.
  • GT-49 51XF This variety is designed to be a workhorse that can handle a lot of adversity. It performs best on tough clays where other lines may struggle to perform. It offers a large plant type that maintains itself well under stress.
  • GT-5417X An indeterminate, medium-tall variety that stands remarkably well. It offers quick emergence and phytophthora tolerance to ensure a good start in less than ideal conditions. It’s a full canopy line that carries good Frogeye protection. The Stem Canker resistance is strong as well. It all boils down to a versatile variety with yield and consistency.
  • HT-6822 is great at making huge amounts of dry corn. It also gets out of the ground well, handles many disease pressures and stands with strong stalks. Put it on more productive soils and let it set new yield records for you.  
  • GHT-9530 A game-changing variety for yield, test weight and durability. This line has tremendous ability to respond under high management with the highest yields yet on your farm. It is also the rugged workhorse in tougher situations. Its test weight is among the heaviest we have seen (and test weight is where we have always excelled). The combination of plant size and standability adds to its versatility.
  • GT-3271E Big plant with height and branching. Emerges quickly and is fast to establish a complete canopy. It can handle some tough soils and doesn’t shorten down under stress. The yield potential and standability will allow you to push it on your best soils also. A top yielding earlier III.
  • GT-3545E / Mid Group III Great racehorse/workhorse capabilities in one variety. It has a very solid disease package concerning phytophthora, SDS, Frogeye and more. It gets up quick, has good plant size and standability. If you plant early-mid III Enlist beans, this is an easy choice.
  • GT-3636ES really ups the game on yield. It covers both productive acres and stressed soils very well. You can use it at all row widths and many populations. The agronomics are solid. One of those lines you just get it in the ground and let it work.
  • GT-4039E A beautiful line the has huge yield potential. It also has good height but still stands well. This one has a very uniform look that pods heavily. Strong emergence and early growth due in part to its phytophthora rating. A top pick for high production.
  • GT-4870E A wide body that can stretch across even the wide rows. It has the ability to shine on all soils with the standability to back it up. It offers great scores for Frogeye, Cercospora and Stem Canker.
  • GT-5049E Root Knot resistance and yield in the same bean. It has the height and branching to canopy some difficult clay soils but maintains the standability for the more loamy as well. It also carries great rating for Frogeye, Stem Canker and Cercospora.
  • GT-36 44XF This rapid emerging line covers a wide geography because of its ability to perform well in so many environments. If you need a high yielding, great standing, full plant type and strong disease package this one works for you. It even carries good Metribuzin tolerance and is an excluder for salt.  
  • GT-40 42XF This variety covers a lot of acres with its ability to handle many environments and post impressive yields. Its agronomic package will allow it to bend but seldom break and that is often the configuration for top farm yields. An easy variety to place on your farm.
  • GT-43 44XFS This XtendFlex/STS bean can handle some really tough situations from the Midwest, the Mid-South and through most soils in the Delta. That includes Frogeye, SDS, cyst, Stem Canker and phytophthora. Plus it’s quick to get established and consistently strong on yields.
  • GT-37 02XF High top end yield punch throughout the group III planting zone. Noteworthy characteristics include BSR, Stem Canker and cyst nematode resistance, SDS tolerance, and excellent emergence. The kind of variety that can give you new yield records while also giving you weed control options.  
  • GT-54 22XF This determinate really handles the concerns of the Delta and East Coast. Resistance to Stem Canker and Root Knot are accompanied by very good SDS scores. It is even an excluder for salt and has protection against phytophthora. Yes, it has all this protection and still yields well! And of course it finishes with that beautiful red color at harvest.  
  • HT-6037 is a moderate-statured hybrid that works great as a high production grain number. Its agronomics and disease ratings support the high yield potential, although a fungicide application may be rewarding. Ultimately this hybrid’s performance will impress you in high yield environments with adequate management.
  • HT-7044 is an easy corn to position on your farm due to its versatility but is probably going to please you the most when used as a high yield product. Tremendous yield records show that this hybrid can be pushed with population, fertility and fungicide to give excellent returns on investment, but it has durability as well.
  • HT-7393 makes producers happy by turning in very high yields time after time. It is not your first choice for extreme drought or rust tolerance, but if those are not annual concerns then it should be considered a first choice for you. The emergence, standability and yield are what brings it to the table.
  • HT-6583 is a lot of yield in a lot of different places. Can tolerate drought conditions deep into the Midwest. Good pick for greensnap-prone areas. The disease package gives you confidence although it will respond well to fungicide use as well as other high management procedures.
  • HT-7499 is a big yielder from the Midwest to the Gulf. The disease package is complete and has a good husk cover. Its dependability across so many soils and farming practices makes it a favorite. It is a hybrid that can wait in the field a while and is also good in silage applications.
  • When you plant HT-7571, you are going for high yields. Looking at the disease ratings and agronomics you will find it is acceptable. The test weight is heavy, and the drought tolerance is good. However, when you put HT-7571 in the planter we all know you are going after new yield records.
  • GT-3443ES is a healthy line that does not give up its yield to common pressures that affect other beans. A very solid, consistently high-yielding bean that even offers tolerance to Charcoal Rot and Root Knot. Good height with good standability.
  • GT-3894ES is a big-time yielder with a wide-body, which really helps in stress situations. That, combined with the Enlist® herbicide program plus Synchrony tolerance does a great job controlling weeds, too. We pick up some very good phytophthora resistance and good emergence scores in this line that help when planted in more water-saturated soils.