
New Plot Data for Paris, Charleston and Neoga

We have new soybean and corn data added to the plot map for the following areas: Paris, IL - S14SUL1 Charleston, IL - S14COU1 Neoga, IL - S14SHU1 Neoga, IL - S14SHU2 Neoga, IL - C14SHU1 Visit our Plots page for more information. Cialis Side Effects not really there is a lot of. if you sometime [...]

By |2023-06-21T08:30:59-05:00October 31st, 2014|General|Comments Off on New Plot Data for Paris, Charleston and Neoga

2014 Plot Data Begins Rolling-In

Great Heart Seed is happy to announce that not only is the 2014 plot data emerging from across the area, but we also have a new home to place it. Check out the Great Heart Seed plots page and map. Already, we have well over a dozen map pins for various plots throughout the region and [...]

By |2023-06-21T08:31:00-05:00October 24th, 2014|General|Comments Off on 2014 Plot Data Begins Rolling-In