
New HeartBeat Newsletter

Great Heart Seed is proud to announce our newly revised HeartBeat newsletter. Our first issue goes live this evening Oct. 24th. HeartBeat will be an online periodical update published once every week or so. The newsletter will not only republish our weekly blogs, but will also include company facts, product updates, plot data availability and bring to light [...]

By |2023-06-21T08:30:59-05:00October 30th, 2014|General|Comments Off on New HeartBeat Newsletter

2014 Plot Data Begins Rolling-In

Great Heart Seed is happy to announce that not only is the 2014 plot data emerging from across the area, but we also have a new home to place it. Check out the Great Heart Seed plots page and map. Already, we have well over a dozen map pins for various plots throughout the region and [...]

By |2023-06-21T08:31:00-05:00October 24th, 2014|General|Comments Off on 2014 Plot Data Begins Rolling-In