Key Strengths
- Very early harvest date
- Head scab resistance reduces initial infection AND slows any spread of infection
- Very complete disease package
- Excellent on stripe rust
- Excellent on lodging
- Smooth head
- And still has yield
Management Tips
- Widely adapted to various soil types
- Plant at high-to-medium populations
- The best pick for managing head scab and many other diseases
- Great variety for double-crop situations
Seeding Method | Seeds / Acre | Approx. lbs / Acres |
Conventional | 1,800,000 | 135 |
No-Till | 1,900,000 | 143 |
Broadcast | 2,000,000 | 150 |
GHT-906 Strong on defense but has yield too with large, showy heads. Type I & II Head Scab resistance! It also will be one of the earliest varieties cut. Take the smooth headed straw off early, and go right in with double crop beans. The solid disease package allows it to go anywhere.
SEPT. 16 | SEPT. 20 | SEPT. 24 | SEPT. 28 | OCT. 2 | OCT. 6 | OCT. 9 | OCT. 12
Category | General Characteristics | |
Planting Management | Realative Maturity (Clark) | -1 |
Seed Size | M | |
Planting Rate | MH | |
Emergence | 8 | |
No-Till Adaption | 9 | |
Plant Growth & Development Ratings | Fall Growth | 8 |
Winter Hardiness | 8 | |
Tillering | 6 | |
Plant Height | MS | |
Awns (bearded) | NO | |
Disease Resistance Ratings | Leaf Rust | 7 |
Stem Rust | 8 | |
Powdery Mildew | 7 | |
Septoria Glume Blotch | 7 | |
Scab Resistance | I & II | |
Scab Tolerance | 8 | |
Soil Borne Mosaic | 8 | |
Barley Yellow Dwarf | 8 | |
Stripe Rust | 9 | |
Harvest Ratings | Lodging Resistance | 9 |
Test Weight | 7 | |
Straw Yield | 6 | |
Double Crop | 9 | |
Rating Scale: 1-2 Poor | 3-4 Fair | 5-6 Good | 7-8 Very Good | 9 Excellent M – Medium | MT – Medium Tall | MS – Medium Short | S – Short | T – Tall |