Delhi Louisiana Field Day
Come get in on field day specials for corn, beans and wheat. Go 6 miles east of Delhi on Hwy 80 to Road 577 and turn north, go 1.5 miles and turn east onto Road 579, go about 1 mile to the shop.
Come get in on field day specials for corn, beans and wheat. Go 6 miles east of Delhi on Hwy 80 to Road 577 and turn north, go 1.5 miles and turn east onto Road 579, go about 1 mile to the shop.
We will offer field day specials and tour Jason Hill’s bean plot which is located 1 mile south of Woodland.
Come see the bean plot and get in on field day specials. The plot is on the south side Hwy 82 approximately 8 miles west of Greenwood located on the Donald Fulgham farm.